Contact Information
Camino a Sta Teresa 930——-. Col. Héroes de Padierna——–. Ciudad de México | CP. 10700
Tel: (52)55-56284000——- ext. 2959–
Arturo Aguilar is an assistant professor of economics at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). As an applied microeconomist, his interests are scattered in different development topics: education, health, violence, migration, and public policy. His recent work focuses on comparing strategies that seek to efficiently target and deliver public resources. He has done this by comparing different designs to publicly deliver resources, and by analyzing how being kind to users of public health service improves the use of programs. He also has research work on early child development, gender, and the impact of sugar taxes.
Being interested on how his research could aid policy programs, Arturo has partnered with government and NGOs to evaluate programs that also provide interesting research insights. Through this, he developed “Mundo de Libros” (World of Books), a literacy program for early readers to match books to children’s abilities and interests. He has also worked with the Mexican government analyzing the impact and potential supplements to the world-renown Progresa program. He is also a board member of “Que Funciona para el Desarrollo” (QFD), a Mexican NGO that promotes rigorous research that is useful and pertinent to boost innovative interventions for social and economic development.
Arturo holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Economics from Harvard University and a B.A. in Economics from ITAM. Arturo teaches Microeconometrics courses at the Bachelor and Masters level. He has received teaching awards and recognitions during his time as a teaching assistant at Harvard and as an instructor at ITAM. He is also a research affiliate at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).
Last Update: August 2021